Intentional Abstraction
The Dreaded Creative Slump
Every creative person who crosses your path will tell you that this creative slump has no end date, it is scary as can be and the more we try to think about it, the deeper the slump pulls us in. The spark, enthusiasm, impetus and momentum is missing and that is what artists fear the most.
While everyone has their own approach of breaking out of a creative rut, here are some of the things you could try when you feel stuck in the meh days. When the momentum is missing and you try hard to find the spark.
The Mad-Men Modern style evolution
How does an artist find a style? Or does the style find the artist instead? Is there such a thing as a "style" or is it what feels right in that moment? For me, it has been a daily practice of feeling and expressing something onto a surface, till it felt right and authentic to what I was hoping to achieve.