A few months ago, on a rainy Monday afternoon, I was putting together a moodboard for a client who reached out to me with some fabric samples and photographs of her living space. She was keen to choose one of my art pieces but was having a hard time choosing THE ONE for her space.
Voila! My monday moodboard was born.
As I sat at my computer mocking up a design mood for her space and helping her choose the perfect piece that would be the exact fit for her home, made me realize that my art fits into so many different styles, moods and associations. The pieces I make, work in contexts that I may not have even thought of. The colors, forms, motifs telling a visual story in the homes they inhabit. Each one resonating in different ways with the people who lovingly make them a part of their everyday lives.
Here are some of my art that fit in effortlessly in this mood.
From that day on, every Monday, I have been putting together a visual moodboard using the art from my online shop and pulling inspiration from all kinds of objects, furniture, fashion, books, architecture, colors and themes.
The very first mood board featured my favorite color: Moody Blue. Like the Simon & Garfunkle song "Blues run the game" for me, blue is my go to color. My all encompassing mood to depict everything from joy, thought, melancholy, love, longing and separation.
Deep dark and dramatic, this rich blue is like a walk at midnight, the deepest part of the river, flowing like the royal blue ink in an glass ink pot. Harmonizing beautifully with wood accents, deep walnuts, mid century modern inspired decor. Compliments the earthy tones of burnt orange, terracotta, sunshine yellow and off whites.
Each of these moodboards feature art from my online shop. A curated collection of color moods and styles that harmonize perfectly with these art pieces.
Follow along every Monday for my moodboard of the week as I show you how to incorporate Soul Curry Art into your personal style and color themes.